All participants are invited to pay the symposium registration fee. For each paper/poster, at least one author must attend and pay the registration fee. Delegates can choose any of the options given below to participate at the Conference.
Accueil Art in the Age of Artificial Intelligence2d 3ai international symposium Joint conference with DCAC ( ) The conference will be held at Ionian Academy at the second floor
26-27 May 2024, Corfu, GreeceNew final submission date : March 29, 2024CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONSThe 1st "3AI" was held in La Louvière in Belgium on 27-28 April 2023 and was organised by Transculutures (Centre of Digital and Sound Arts, Belgium) and CiTU-Paragraphe (University Paris 8, France). The second 3AI follows the same line as the 1st symposium. It observes that an increasing number of artworks are now inspired by or produced with advanced technologies mainly influenced by generative AI, deeply infused at the very heart of the artworks. Such development interrogates the notion of Art, including the artist and the definition of artistic approach. It also questions how artworks are discovered, exchanged, collected, and preserved. The advent of increasingly advanced digital technologies provokes profound philosophical and ethical inquiries. These ongoing transformations across artistic, cultural, economic, political, and professional realms seem to be long-lasting, with implications that have started to resonate within society. Similar to human curiosity, the evolution of emergent technologies never stops, making us to rethink new forms of Art based on:
The goal of the second 3AI Symposium is twofold. First, to contribute to the discussion of various interrogations about "What makes Art today?" Second, to reflect on the new context and environment of artistic production. Artists, artistic instruments (intelligent, extended, mixed, augmented & virtual ones), designers, producers, critics, collectors, spectators, researchers, and policymakers are all invited to be part of the presentations (conference, exhibition, podcasts, video, installation, ...) and discussions (round tables, social networks). TOPICS3AI.2 will to explore the following topics (and not limited to)
SUBMISSIONAll contributions are to be submitted on the conference platform: click hereThere are three main categories for participating in the second 3AI symposium: long presentation, short presentation, artwork Long presentationA long paper (up to 7,000 words) or, preferably, a long video (18 minutes maximum) that will serve as primary material for general discussion during the symposium sessions. These contributions are expected to bring new perspectives to the field, to propose new practical approaches, and to provide the participants with new tools, methodologies, strategies, or models. Short presentationShort papers (up to 3,500 words) or short videos (up to 9 minutes) are meant to bring additional material for general discussion to the audience. These contributions offer alternative views and present completed or in-progress projects or experiences. ArtworksIn partnership with Transcultures and Pépinières européennes de Création, artworks will be exhibited on site. Artworks should reflect or address one of the topics of 3AI. Artists (already linked to the organisers) are responsible for providing the equipment necessary to install the work. They should be autonomous for the technical installation of the work and its removal. Technical preparation should be quick and light. A grant of 300 euros per selected project (4 maximum) is offered by Pépinières européennes de Création. Various formats are accepted, including installations, video projections, mobile applications, and performances. Submission process for long and short papersSubmission deadline: March 29, 2024Contributors submit an abstract of 750 words at most, without spaces, to be reviewed by the steering committee. The proposal may include one supporting media if it applies (image, video, audio, program). If you are submitting a short or log paper, please upload a PDF file with the following information:
Please note: for proposals for short and long papers, do not include your name or affiliation in the PDF submission file at this phase (the selection of contributions follows a double-blind process). Notification of abstract acceptance: April 9nd, 2024All accepted abstracts will be the subject of an oral presentation. Second phaseThe Steering Committee will select contributions for publication in ebook and/or hardcopy format to be published by Europia Paris. Steps of the second phase:
The steering committee can suggest a set of selected papers to be augmented and published as a special issue of the International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology. Submission process for artworks The submission for artwork is open and will close on March 31th, 2024
Reviewing processAll submitted papers will be reviewed using a double blind refereeing process. REGISTRATION FEESAll participants are invited to pay the symposium registration fee. For each paper/poster, at least one author must attend and pay the registration fee. Delegates can choose any of the options given below to participate at the Conference. Early Registration Deadline: 30 April 2024Authors (Students): 100 €
Authors (Regular): 150 €
Participant (Ionian University & University of the Aegean): 90 €
Participant (Regular): 120 €
Later Registration: after 30 April 2024Authors (Students): 120 €
Authors (Regular): 200 €
Participant (Ionian University & University of the Aegean): 120 €
Participant (Regular): 150 €
Registration fee Includes
Payment terms Payment by bank transfer Transfer must be made to Europia Productions International Identification (IBAN) Payment by purchase order / bon de commande (only public organisations) The purchase order must be made out in the name of: Payment by bank check The bank check must be attached to the registration form and made payable to Europia Productions CONTACTPlease do not hesitate to ask us any questions about the submission process: 3ai-24[at] IMPORTANTE DATES (deadlines)
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